Creative Arts Specialist
Social Media Content Creator
Marketing Consultant
Audio Engineer
Available for:
Hire • Contract Work
Free Consultations

Ryan-Patrick Barbin
Digital Marketing • Marketing Consultant
Social Media Management • Graphics • Web Design
Photo/Video • Content Creation • Music Production
Copywriting • Voiceovers • Digital Art • Design
Creative Arts Specialist


"Mr. Barbin is an extremely talented young man with a beautiful heart and amazing people skills."
-Bill Brawley, Director
The Young Americans
"Ryan works very hard and always produces incredible results, even when under time constraints. I don't think he ever even sleeps."
-Michael Loza, CEO
Massage Entourage
Social Media Management & Content Creation for several small businesses, brands and artists.
Owner of IYAM Entertainment Studios (www.iyament.com) - A Recording Studio and Artists Development Company in Las Vegas, NV.
Recording, Mixing, Mastering and Production of multiple music projects available on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and all digital music streaming services.
"There are no problems, only solutions."
- John Lennon
"There are seven days in a week; someday isn't one of them." - Unknown
"An open door can lead you anywhere, but only if you choose to walk through it."
- Ryan Barbin